Seven Slot Sisterhood

SevenSeven Slot Sisterhood

Once upon a time there lived seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Calaeno and Merope. They were the hunting companions of the goddess Artemis. One day all seven were playing in a secluded glade in the forest. Their laughter rang merrily through the trees for they thought they were alone. They didn’t know that close by the valiant hunter Orion was hunting for a deer that had been eluding him for quite a while.

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“He may be smart,” Orion muttered, “but he can’t hide forever!”

He was wandering through the woods when he heard laughter coming from the seven hidden sisters.

“I wonder who that could be?” Orion thought and he quietly stepped into the glade and saw seven of the most beautiful maidens playing innocently by a small stream.

“What goddesses you all are!” Orion cried in delight.

This startled them and they all turned and saw Orion.

“Run!” Merope yelled and they all began to flee.

“Wait! Don’t go!” Orion called and he began to pursue them, but alas he lost sight of them and they escaped through the trees.

But Orion would not give up. “I shall find those fair maidens. I swear it!” he called determinedly to the sky.

From then on, Orion interrupted every hunt that Artemis and the sisters went on. He chased them relentlessly. This went on for seven years with the seven sisters always on the run from Orion and as each year passed, Artemis got angrier and angrier with every ruined hunt.

Seven Slot Sisterhood Book

Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. “I will stop his interfering once and for all!” she vowed and set off for Mt. Olympus to talk with Zeus.

Upon arriving, Artemis explained her situation to Zeus. “He always ruins our hunts! Please protect my companions! I beg of you!”

“Hmmm. I shall consider your request.” Zeus replied and he dismissed her.

He sat brooding on his throne when he got an idea.

“Ha,” he chuckled. “I will humor Artemis’ wish!”

So the next time Artemis’ and the sisters’ hunt was cut short because of Orion, Zeus put his plan into action. He turned the seven sisters into pigeons and they soared into the sky with Artemis and Orion looking on. When the seven birds had flown almost too far away to be seen, Zeus changed them into stars. Artemis was furious at losing her companions and went off to talk to Zeus again.

“That is not what I wanted!” she cried. “Now I won’t get to see them anymore!”

“Of course you will,” Zeus consoled. “You’re not just the goddess of the hunt, remember? You’re also the goddess of the moon. Which happens to pass by your companions regularly, so you will be able to visit them often.”

Artemis had to content herself with that. And that is how the seven sisters became the group of stars known as the Pleiades.

This article was written by Bethany, 13, an Experience Astronomy student from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Paul Hawthorne/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Bill O'Reilly was officially released from Fox News on Wednesday following allegations of sexual harassment against the conservative talk show host. Although O'Reilly denies the allegations against him, they were enough to cause advertisers to pull their ads from his prime-time show and women across the country to call for his removal. Political commentator Tucker Carlson will be filling his time slot, but unfortunately Carlson's comments about women are more than troubling too.

SevenSeven slot sisterhood meaning

Carlson began his career with Fox News as a weekend host for Fox & Friends in 2013.He then debuted hisown prime-time show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, in November 2016 after Megyn Kelly left the network. Now, Carlson's show will be moved from its current 9 p.m. EST time to O'Reilly's coveted 8 p.m. EST slot, which usually draws the highest nightly ratings.

While O'Reilly's dismissal can be seen as a sign that Fox News is attempting to make the network more inclusive and respectful of women, Carlson, who will likely now be seen as the new face of the network, doesn't have the best track record when it comes to what he's said about women. In fact, some of his comments have been extremely disrespectful, not to mention incredibly cringe-worthy.

On an MSNBC segment in 2006, Carlson actually accused Democrats of creating the concept of sexual harassment to villify the Republican Party.

This is a group that made up the concept of sexual harassment. 'You look great today.' 'Boom! I'm charging you with a crime!'

This tone-deaf statement suggests that women over-exaggerate claims of harassment, and should simply learn to take a compliment. This type of thinking can lead to victim blaming, and doesn't hold men accountable for making sexually explicit remarks to female colleagues.

When challenging Teen Vogue writer Lauren Duca about her op-ed 'Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America,' Carlson condescendingly mansplained Duca's own article to her, repeatedly claiming that she didn't know the meaning of the word 'sovereignty' and that she shouldn't be taken seriously since she has previously written articles about One Direction and Ariana Grande's thigh-high boots.

You should stick to the thigh-high boots. You're better at that.

Seven Slot Sisterhood Band

Carlson seemed to think that because Duca writes for a female-oriented teen magazine and is interested in pop culture, she couldn't possibly have a single intelligent thing to say about politics, which contributes to the horrible idea that women should stay out of the political arena and focus instead on celebrity gossip.

While an editor at the Daily Caller, Carlson received an email request from Amy Spitalnick, a spokesperson for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, to make a correction to a previously published article. After numerous email exchanges between Spitalnick and a writer for the website, Carlson jumped in to explain to Spitalnick why her requests were not being taken seriously. He wrote in an email:

What [editor Christopher] Bedford complained about was your tone, which, I have to agree, was whiny and annoying, and I say that in the spirit of helpful correction rather than as a criticism. Outside of New York City, adults generally write polite, cheerful emails to one another, even when asking for corrections. Something to keep in mind the next time you communicate with people who don't live on your island.

Aside from the extremely condescending tone that treats Spitalnick as a child who needs to be taught proper etiquette, Carlson perpetuates the stereotype that female professionals, when making requests of male colleagues, are being bossy and whiny. This makes it much harder for women to be taken seriously or respected in the workplace.

On a Fox News panel about the gender pay gap in 2014, Carlson claimed 'the losers in the Obama economy have been men,' and that women actually make more money than men 'if you adjust for the time they take off voluntarily.'

He went on to say that Democrats and Republicans need to stop 'pandering to women,' despite the fact that even three years later in 2017, women still make only approximately 83 cents per every dollar that men earn for equal work.

Carlson criticized the Obama administration in 2013 for endorsing an initiative that would allow women to serve in combat while also reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, a bill that protects women from domestic abuse. Carlson confusingly attempts to create a corollary between the two, when clearly there is none. Women have as much of a right to serve their countries as men do, just as they have a human right to be protected from violence and abuse.

'Feminism's latest victory: the right to get your limbs blown off in war,' Carlson tweeted. 'Congratulations.'

As editor for the Daily Caller, Carlson was frequently criticized for featuring sexually explicit photos of women on his website. Headlines like 'Hot Women Eating Cereal [SLIDESHOW]' were a daily occurrence. When a woman confronted Carlson about this on his talk show in 2014, calling the practice objectifying, Carlson responded.

Seven Slot Sisterhood Books

As a man that has been married 23 years and has three daughters, I like women better than men. But I also believe that beauty is important, and we’re not embarrassed to put things that are beautiful.

He went on to say that 'there's nothing serious or creepy about it at all.'

When three female members of the cast of Hamilton took the stage at Superbowl LI in February to sing a rendition of 'America the Beautiful,' they added a line to the patriotic song, singing 'And crown thy good with brotherhood — and sisterhood — from sea to shining sea.' It was a simple change that lightheartedly expressed the power and significance of female friendships; but for Carlson, it was too 'political.'

Seven Slot Sisterhood

I'm as pro-sisterhood as anybody, more than most women, probably, actually. But what’s the point? The point is to make the person who says it feel virtuous, and I guess maybe it's comforting to them, but what does it add up to? Not a lot. And the rest of us just like to be entertained and hear the songs I grew up with without political statements in them, but we don’t get to do that anymore.

Seven Slot Sisterhood Meaning

As the new prime-time talk show host of Fox News, Carlson's words matter. He now has the potential to reach almost 4 million viewers on a nightly basis, and his messages have the ability to influence the views of the many Americans who turn exclusively to Fox for their news. So far, Carlson's comments seem to prove that he has a lot of work to do in understanding feminism.